Fatal shooting brings grief to neighborhood in Kingsessing
A police spokeswoman said that the victim had been shot several times in the upper torso and head, according tophilly.com. According to CBS3, officials said no weapon was recovered and no arrests had been made.
A woman ran toward police as they carried the body bag from the front porch of a home on the block, and several people tried to comfort her as she continued to pray out load.
A 24-year-old man was shot in the leg on the 5300 block of Paschall Avenue in Southwest Philadelphia later Friday afternoon.
Medics rushed a 20-year-old man to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania after he was shot in the area of 58th and Market Streets iN West Philadelphia at about 7:30 p.m.
A 19-year-old man was rushed to Einstein Medical Center after he was shot twice during a home invasion on West Raymond Street in Feltonville shortly before midnight.
View Weekend shooting victims, beginning 03.29.13 in a larger map
Good Friday vigil calls for end to gun violence ‘for the love of our children’
The march and vigil followed a gathering at St. Paul’s Baptist Church at 10th and Wallace Streets.
The ecumenical service included prayer, music, a remembrance of gun violence victims, and a call to end gun violence, “for the love of our children.”
Mayors Against Illegal Guns participants hold event in Norristown on Thursday
Waving an inverted flag is a traditional signal of distress.
More reports:
pottsmerc.com: Montco authorities rally to end gun violence on Day to Demand Actionthereporteronline.com: National Day to Demand Action comes to local level in Norristownphillyburbs.com: Supporters, opponents of gun control rally in Montcotimesherald.com: Norristown to participate in National Day to Demand Action
pottsmerc.com: Montco authorities rally to end gun violence on Day to Demand Actionthereporteronline.com: National Day to Demand Action comes to local level in Norristownphillyburbs.com: Supporters, opponents of gun control rally in Montcotimesherald.com: Norristown to participate in National Day to Demand Action
Double shooting leaves man critically wounded; woman in stable condition late Thursday night in South Philadelphia
According to police, patrol officers found the victims after hearing gunshots in the area at about 11:30 p.m. The man had been shot several times in the head and the woman had been shot once in the torso. Both victims are 22 years old and were rushed by police to Jefferson University Hospital.
Philadlephia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said that investigators had located eight 10 mm shell casings on the street. Police are reviewing surveillance cameras in the area, according to a report at 6ABC.
Shooter leaves man critically wounded on North Philadelphia pedestrian bridge Thursday afternoon
Police rushed the victim, who had suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest, to Temple University Hospital.
A group of children watched the investigation from the edge of the crime scene.
If you want to get involved in gun violence reduction in Philadelphia, please consider volunteering with or donating to one of the organizations under our Network tab. If you would like us to add your group to our list, please email us at info@guncrisis.org.
Share you ideas to stop the shooting with our community by using the #phillypeaceplan hash tag when communicating on social media: http://guncrisis.org/phillypeaceplan/
Mayors Against Illegal Guns leading National Day to Demand Action to end gun violence
Press release: Mayors Against Illegal Gunsannounced that Americans will gather at more than 100 events across the country (today), Thursday, March 28 as part of the National Day to Demand Action to end gun violence. While members of Congress are home during the Easter/Passover recess, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, in conjunction with Organizing for Action, Americans for Responsible Solutions and other groups, will organize events and petition drives and generate an unprecedented number of calls into Senate district offices to call for their representatives to support commonsense gun laws like comprehensive and enforceable background checks.
Read the full release: Americans To Call On Congress To End Gun Violence On National Day To Demand Action
In Philadelphia, Mayor Michael Nutter, Deputy Police Commissioner Richard Ross, Jr., gun violence survivor Joe Davis will hold a press conference at noon today at the Widener Library, 2808 West Lehigh Avenue. Lower Merion officials will have a press confernece an 2 p.m. at the Montgomery County Courthouse at 2 East Airy Street in Norristown.
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