1. Blacks murdering Blacks at an alarming rate.....You would think that these terrorists are all strangers to our communities with NO parents, NO family, NO friends or NO residence in this city.. NO accountability or responsibilty!!!
2. And now our first Black American DA involved in the pay-to-play corruption which he has personally been involved in on the other side bringing down people just like him doing exactly what he has been doing all along...So his Legacy won't be highlighted on strides of violence prevention effort, reentry, high-profile convictions or even a example for young black boys/girls to dream of becoming a DA however you will forever be known as a "crooked and corrupt Black man who thought by being the law put you above the law!!! Damn shame!!!!
3. Everybody wants Mayor Kenney to fire our DA...however Kenneys name has been mentioned as well as other politicians and law enforcement agents and he has even been questioned by the media regarding the investigation with Johnny Doc.... shit we don't need this.... bad enough as Blacks and other colorblind individuals we must gear up to fight a racists to keep him out of the White House or we are all doomed!
4. Then this morning the headline reads: News — Politics Philly Clout: Judge upholds verdict against Councilman Kenyatta Johnson and the article stated, "Given the evidence, it was reasonable for the jury to conclude that the custom of councilmanic prerogative was the moving force behind the violation of Feibush's constitutional rights," Beetlestone wrote....I don't want to know the story behind the story because perception wins 💯....But what I do know is there is a younger generation who already lack respect for their elders and yes they have good reason!!
5. This next comment....Oprah's show Greenleaf hit it on the nose: Mega churches need to be investigated while they are living like millionaires using their non profit status to bilk the people out of millions of dollars...Listen Oprah knows what she's doing and I know people heard her loud & clear because in the meantime you have church members jobless, foodless, and pennyless!!!
6. And in the meantime...OUR SCHOOLS are in dire need of help, HOMELESSNESS is being ignored, the VIOLENCE has become a normal way of life, criminals becoming bold, residents becoming more afraid and our City Council, DA & Sheriff idea and campaign is to buy thousands of gun lock.....REALLY??? Scott Charles got that! This may come as a shock but the ones you need to target dont follow any rules, regulations or laws... especially gun laws and why should they.....they're all carrying illegal weapons anyway!!!
7. Just get out & VOTE in November it doesn't cost a dime damn!!
I don't know how the rest of you feel but this city that I love which I was born and raised has fallen into the trap of greed, abuse of authority, the highest level of pay-to-olay and more importantly disappointing the people who trusted you to do the right thing......
This is your favorite,
Philly's Own Gossip Girl coming at ya 💯...........
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the CEO or of New Start Foundation Inc.
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