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Thursday, May 16, 2013


Good Evening Everyone,

I decided to reach out to everyone in my database to help us come up with an approach to reach out to City Officials in hopes that they will partner with us on this initiative by not only coming out to guest speak and bring resources to the events, but to also allow us the use of a stage (without cost) at our violence prevention events. We were told that they charge for the stage and I know that from past events. However, with all the violence that is plaguing our city we are hoping we can come up with a compromise of no charge.

Many of you contacted me to come up with a strategy that is more than just "talk" so I created the tour so that anyone wanting to be hands on can do so. You all know that it takes a lot of work to make this event a success and to hear those words that we have to pay for a stage, to be honest, will discourage me and my team. This event is designed for us to hit the street and that's what we do and we invite all of you to participate. So, if you have any suggestions, please forward them to me and lets see how we can overcome the obstacles together. Thank you and I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

As always in Health,

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