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Thursday, October 17, 2013

#GunCrisis Gun violence “America’s new civil war”???? Do you argree with Mayor Nutter?


Posted: 01 Oct 2013 09:04 AM PDT
Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu shared the podium at the National Press Club last week to discuss their campaign to cut the nation’s murder rates, reduce gun violence and address other issues affecting the urban community. Nutter offered some advice for journalists:

Nutter suggested that journalists remember coverage from the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War and “show dead Americans” in the “battlefield streets of our cities,” to meet with citizens and “hear their pleas and cries for peace and freedom from violence.” He called gun violence “America’s new civil war” and a “horrific American tragedy” in “our own killing fields.”
In a response to a question about his advice, Nutter added that “when the American public truly understands,” he believes that knowledge “will change heart and minds.”

You can still view the event in it’s entirety at our earlier post: Video: Mayors Landrieu and Nutter address gun violence at National Press Club lunch.

The Associated Press and Philadlephia Inquirer also reported on the event.
More than 5,000 young Philadelphians have been shot or killed in the last six years, according to the city’s recently-released strategic plan to prevent youth violence.

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