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Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Mass hysteria
The craziest part of mass tragedies is the aftermath. The people who have done theater mass shootings, school shootings, bombings etc. All have at least 2 things in common. ...they were emotion motivated and didn't have a criminal record. .... but when things like that happen those with a criminal record are again punished and further segregated from being a productive member of society as well as a respectable member of his/her family which is more important....all in the name of public safety. When will the punished be truly released from punishment?
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
A Disappointing Philadelphia
Philly's Own Gossip Girl: Well Hello Media....
It's no secret that people love their 15 minutes of fame however when those reporting the news do not check the credibility of those they are reporting on adds to the ills of society.
Philly's Own Gossip Girl: Violence Prevention is America's Failure
Thursday, March 3, 2016
#Nigerism by Niger Ali
For all those who believe this to be a Christian country. ...
The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.
Remember when the colour of your skin was all the evidence needed to kill, enslave, rape, humiliate, exploit, terrorize, lie to, rob, punish, the norm? I implore you to identify the nation of your lineage pre- slavery. The reason we must accept the lies and conditions is because we don't know what is indigenous to us...philosophically, demographically, spiritually, emotionally and teachable. Everyone has a story but why start reading in the middle of it? We question each other's intentions and morals to the point of the "MOSES EFFECT". Simply meaning we continue to find ourselves individually unworthy to face those in control so we elect liaisons...effectively and largely unbeknownst, giving them the autonomous authority to act and react on our behalf....indefinitely.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Philly's Own Gossip Girl "AM I BEING PUNK'D"- The true story behind the Donald Trump peak
#Trump to many is that "breath of fresh air." He is the "hype" man and it doesn't hurt that he has wealth even after filing for bankruptcy. He is the "I'm gonna say what I feel whether you like it or not man." and with this country on the heels of the biggest race revolution he to many is right on time. His quotes, comments and conversation fuels racism, sexism, creedism, homophobicism, spiritualism and the like.
But you have to ask.... Will this come to bite this egotistic antisemit and a racist in the ass? It is my opinion, that even the Republicans/GOP will regret #donald as the Leader of the #FreeWorld. Believe me when I tell you that they are secretly meeting round table to discuss how to make sure he does NOT win! He is OUT-OF-CONTROL and although they dread seeing another Democrat take possession of the Oval Office they will dread 10 times more having #donald the nit-wit as POTUS
.......Plus he won't listen to a damn thing they have to say. That's when America will stop seeing black & white issues and focus on white and white....I am so looking forward to the end of this chapter to see how it turns out...So STAY TUNE....Your favorite Philly's Own Gossip Girl coming at you 100! xoxo
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